Car Care and Tips

Does Modifying Your Car Affect Your Insurance Premiums?

Does Modifying Your Car Affect Your Insurance Premiums?

If you have a modified vehicle, or you're thinking about modifying your vehicle, it can be confusing to understand how it might affect your insurance premiums. If you're spending a lot of money upgrading your vehicle, the last thing you want is an unexpected rise in your insurance costs. That's why Gap Insurance UK has put this brief overview together to give you the information you need to make an informed decision.…

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Do Dashcams Make Car Insurance Cheaper?

Do Dashcams Make Car Insurance Cheaper?

Basically, they’re a type of on-board camera that you can fix to your car that continuously records video footage of everything that goes on around you whilst you’re driving. It essentially captures evidence that can be used by you, in the unfortunate event of an accident, to help determine with whom the fault lies.…

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10 great car accessories for business on the road

10 great car accessories for business on the road

Business trips can mean a lot of time spent behind the wheel. Maximise your business opportunities and travel in comfort and style with these 10 car accessories that make business on the road that little bit easier.…

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6 New Affordable Electric Cars for 2020

6 New Affordable Electric Cars for 2020

Electric cars continue to become more and more popular as consumers weigh up the environmental impacts of owning petrol and diesel-powered cars.…

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How to safely (and legally) store your car through a pandemic

How to safely (and legally) store your car through a pandemic

In order to safely and legally store your car during this strange period, we've compiled a list of tips for you to follow to ensure that you are taking the right measures while your vehicle remains off the road.…

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